Comments on: What is the cost of defects in software testing? Study material for ISTQB Exam Certification Foundation level, Premium & Free for ISTQB and ASTQB Exam, Certification questions, answers, software testing tutorials and more Wed, 21 Jun 2023 04:11:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Palash Sun, 08 Apr 2018 10:17:17 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?p=62#comment-15662 The cost of fixing the Defects totally depends upon when the defect is found, if the defect is found in the requirements or design phase, then it is relatively easy to fix and less cost effective and if the defect is found out while acceptance testing or when the software is live, then the cost will be relatively high because the Defects have to be fixed and re tested before it can be deployed live again

By: Chang Petell Sat, 01 Dec 2012 22:47:54 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?p=62#comment-403 Hello,I like to find out more on this field. Thank you for publishing What is the cost of defects in software testing?.
